ranger ricky's Profile

Wall Nickname ranger ricky
Age 28
Birthday 9 16 70
First Ranger Experience age 3 meeting gilbert and park playing street hockey
Favorite Team(s) rangers oilers anywhere twist ends up
Least Favorite Team(s) islanders devils
Hobbies collect hockey fight videos
Profession pro wrestler from nj
Hometown hasbrouck hts nj
Favorite Ranger(s) (past and/or present) eddie johnston nicky fotiu domi langdon stock
Marital Status married
Last 5 CD's Bought creed, kid rock , u2 greatest hits mob hits rob zombie
Favorite CD of All Time us pride
Favorite Actor(s) and/or Actress(es) robert de niro joe pesci cher
Favorite Movie(s) goodfellas bronxtale slapshot
Favorite Food(s) italian
Sports Played pro wrestler roller hockey and baseball
Pet Peeve(s) collecting autographed hockey pictures complaining about muckler
Hours spent on The Wall and/or RFC a day 3
Comments let's go rangers potvin sucks and have a drink kenny

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